Thursday, November 24, 2005

thanksgiving day

Thanksgiving Day is here!

When our sons were still in college at Bob Jones University, and with my parents living 45 minutes from campus, we always ended up in SC on turkey day. But this year we are staying home. Josh and Janelle came to Florida this year to join us for Thanksgiving. The meal is being prepared, my favorite meal is turkey and dressing (I could eat this meal every week!) Add sweet potato casserole, green beans, mashed potatoes, homemade chocolate pie(Mam-ma's recipe), pecan pie, pumpkin pie, Janelle's homemade crescent rolls and you have yourselves one great meal!

Well, the guys are playing football this morning, while the women are cooking, and here I am blogging. I better start carving the turkey!!

Enjoy the day and thank God for his many blessings!

Psalm 26:7
That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:22 AM

    dear family,
    We just read your e-mail(post) and enjoyed it. glad you had a great day eating. we have pretty well "gobbled till we wobbled". We had a great day too. We have so much to be thankful for. April brought three friends and also , Kenny, Casey and Loretta came . April is spending the night and leaving for Fla. in the morning. She has been so busy so maybe she can rest up a little. Hope Cindy, her Mom and the rest of the family are making it okay since the ordeal of John's death. WE have prayed a lot for them. Hope Brandon is having less pain now and will soon be rid of all the pain. Tell him we are praying for him also.
    We will close for now. Thanks for all the e-mails. We have enjoyed them.

    Love, Mom and Dad

    (P.S. Your Dad is still having some pain so he just takes pain medicine and konks out. But he will be a lot better in a few weeks.)
