Friday, April 30, 2010

still wearing #15 !

Tim Tebow sporting his new #15 Broncos jersey today! They say his jersey is the top selling of the NFL draft picks, especially in Florida.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

family photo Sunday

Cindy's cousins Rhonda and Allison in Arkansas - photo taken at Robbie and Joel's 50th anniversary. I think they look like sisters in this picture - never noticed the close resemblance before!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Memory Lane - when God uses a man, part one

On my last visit to Cowpens, I traveled around the town to take pics of the places my Dad pastored. He began his ministry in 1960 at Gospel Baptist Church. We spent about four years there but it seemed like a longer time to me as a 5-9 year old kid.

My first thought when taking this picture was that I did not remember the building being this small. For a kid's eye view, everything is much larger. I remember picking strawberries behind the church with Mom. I remember the Bible club we had on Saturdays. I even remember attending a wedding and all of us boys were saying we would never get married in front of all those people! I remember Dad preaching and jumping off the platform and almost landing on top of me. :) I remember Dad's messages about the rapture and realizing that I needed to get saved. When we lived near the cotton mill in Cowpens, I remember going to bed at night and holding onto my sister Debbie's nightgown, so that if the rapture occurred and she went to Heaven, then I could go too!

The church has remodeled some by adding the new side entrance and steeple, a nice touch. They are currently without a pastor.

We eventually moved into the duplex right across the street from the church. I do not remember the duplex being so close to the church! I do remember being sick with jaundice while we lived here. I remember the long walks home from school in the afternoon and stopping by the drug store for candy or a fountain drink. Funny, I don't remember how I got to school, just the long walks home! When we got home from school, I remember watching my favorite TV show, "The Mickey Mouse Club." One of our neighbors had two teenage sons who smoked and my dad would chastise them for throwing their cigarette butts in our yard.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Video - Duke's Shining Moment

The Dukies put together their own compilation of "One Shining Moment" which really makes up for the CBS version. For all you Duke fans, this is for you......

Sunday, April 18, 2010

family photo Sunday

Cindy and her mom, Winnie, enjoy the flowers and concrete bench after church today. We added a "Baggett Concrete Memorial" to our front yard yesterday in honor of Cindy's grandfather, father, and brother who worked in the concrete construction industry.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

family photo Sunday

Thanks to Grandpa Johnson for sharing the Easter photo of the grand girls in Wisconsin. (Meredith, Natalie and Sophia)
This is a neat photo because it shows our mature Natalie in the middle with a new "grown up" haircut and waiting patiently for the photo to be taken; and then Meredith to her left is laughing as usual; and Sophia on the right looks like she is not sure what all the fuss is about :)

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Video - National Champs celebrate!

It's always nice to see what they don't show on television - so here is the video posted at DukeBluePlanet youtube channel, finally! ENJOY!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

April family birthdays - Slideshow

Baggett family birthdays include:
Sharon Baggett (Carl's wife) on the 7th
Colby Blackstock (Cuz Mike's son) on the 9th
Uncle Joel Blackstock (Robbie's husband) on the 15th
Angel Baggett (Sam's wife) on the 25th
Roxy Baggett (Uncle Kelsea's wife) on the 28th

Franklin family birthdays include:
Sophia Martha Franklin (our granddaughter) turns 2 on the 2nd (Stephen & Leah's youngest girl)
Preston Pettit, cuz Diane's youngest son, on the 2nd
Andrew Pettit, cuz Diane's grandson, Ray's oldest son, on the 6th
Deborah F. Logan, my sister, on the 12th
Charity Brown (Cuz Jeff's wife) on the 23rd
Kaitlyn Arthur (Kimberly's girl and Cuz Gloria's granddaughter on the 29th
Ben Arthur, my sister Loretta's son, on the 30th

Sunday, April 04, 2010

family photo Sunday

Congratulations to Aunt Robbie and Uncle Joel Blackstock who recently celebrated 50 years of marriage!

Thursday, April 01, 2010

spring madness is upon us, no fooling!

Yes, there is more going on this week than college basketball. I am working all week, but taking off a half day vacation for the afternoon of Good Friday. I have lots of spring yard work to do and we have Easter rehearsal at church Saturday morning from 10 - 12 noon, so I will get a head start on the yard work Friday afternoon. The flower seeds I planted a couple weeks ago are sprouting already, and I have 18 flower plants ready to plant this weekend. As I was watering the flower beds Tuesday evening, I looked for the four Hostas that we planted last summer, but I could only locate one plant. But Wednesday afternoon, two more Hostas were popping up out of the ground! It is amazing to see how the plants just "come alive" in the spring! We have been promised by the weatherman that we will hit 80 degrees on Thursday and Friday in Atlanta - the first time to see 80 since October 8th.

Now that they are in the Final Four, the Dukies are getting a full-blast of media, news articles, etc. Posting a few links to read and enjoy the moment (the week).
Duke's Kyle Singler at