Sunday, February 25, 2007

a hill called Golgotha

The first four books of the New Testament are known as the gospels - the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These books were written by the four men through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. We recognize their own styles of writing as being different from each other and their recording of the same facts are sometimes worded differently. Matthew, Mark and John refer to the place of Christ's crucifixion as Golgotha but Luke refers to the same hill as Calvary. Golgotha is the Hebrew word meaning "the place of the skull," and Calvary is the Latin word for "skull". Many songs come to mind that would have been worded differently if not for Luke. Can you imagine singing "Golgotha covers it all?" Or "I believe in a hill called Mount Golgotha?" or "mercy there was great and grace was free at Golgotha?" Actually, I have been involved in church music for many years, and can not think of any song with the word "Golgotha."

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