Thursday, November 02, 2006

who needs the funny pages?

This is definitely the week for news of the weird and wacky! Who needs to read the comics when the news is so funny?

A former co-worker used to claim that she had a squirrel living "inside the engine" of her Pontiac. She tried using moth balls under the hood, but then she could not run the AC because the smell was so bad inside the car. I had so much fun with that story, that I spent a year of vacations looking for ceramic squirrels, trying to find one for a "gag" gift. No one had squirrels to sell! I guess I asked for them in so many places we visited, that I noticed this past spring every store in the south was selling lawn decorations of squirrels. Now, after reading this story from PA -
Mean Squirrel Attacks Pa. Letter Carrier - maybe she was right to be afraid of squirrels. For the first time in anyone's memory, a postal carrier was attacked by a squirrel and not a dog!

Then I read today this story about the gym in New York with the "Lunk Alarm" where weight lifters are not allowed to "grunt" when pressing or lifting weights. The owner of Planet Fitness Gym even called the police to escort this guy from the gym for grunting!

And the best story of the week goes to the stupid remark by John Kerry about our troops in Iraq. What was supposed to be a joke about President Bush backfired. As Vice President Cheney remarked yesterday, Kerry was for the joke before he was against it. A group of National Guard troops in Minnesota turned the joke on Kerry with this photo making the rounds now on the internet. You can read the article at this link to GI's Drop Smart Bomb on Kerry

1 comment:

  1. If you are looking for squirrels, I know someone trying to get rid of them... this story will give Stephen more fuel for his fire. :)

    About the soldiers in Iraq: The picture was initially posted by a conservative talk show host in Milwaukee. We listen to him quite a bit, and yesterday he was able to interview the father of one of the soldiers in the picture. If anyone wants to listen to the webcast of the interview, it is on
