Saturday, May 20, 2006

attacks on Christianity

Attacks on Christians and Christianity and Jesus are nothing new. The Bible tells us "the fool hath said in his heart, there is no God." This was written centuries ago in Psalm14:1 and Psalm 53:1. Maybe it is just me, but it seems recently that attacks on our Christian beliefs have increased. Through the media, the movies, you name it - people are "freely" mocking and casting doubt on our Biblical beliefs. A few weeks before Easter, National Geographic Channel presented their "discovery" of the "Gospel of Judas". The May 2006 issue of National Geographic has the article about this discovery, even though the bound papyrus text was actually discovered in the 1970's. It is true that there are many more "gospels" or letters that were written in the first two centuries after Christ was born. We believe, as the Bible teaches, that the books of our Bible are the only truly inspired writings and have been preserved complete throughout history by God. It does not surprise me that someone wrote a "gospel of Judas," but we should not use this fact to question the validity of the Bible. Since we believe the Bible is complete and that there are no contradictions in the Bible, why should we give importance to another "gospel" that is a contradiction?

In the same magazine issue of National Geographic, they interviewed a scientist who specializes in zoology and the study of ants. He uses this forum to speak out against intelligent design. He takes a strong stance "against the mingling of religion and science" and even though he grew up in the Southern Baptist tradition, he has "went away from the faith." Maybe we need to put a PG-13 label on magazines like the National Geographic, so that young minds will not be influenced by reading these articles.

Now adding to the attacks on Christianity, we have the Da Vinci Code movie release this week. If you did not see this interview on NBC, in which one of the actors states, "the Bible should have a 'fiction' disclaimer," you can read about it at

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