Thursday, August 13, 2009

the Rush diet

Rush is featured on the calorie count web site today. He has lost 80 lbs on his diet since March 9th, good for him! I started my diet using calorie count to keep track of what I eat on May 1st and so far I have lost 12 lbs. I posted this response to the blog about Rush Limbaugh's diet:

Yes, we men can lose weight a lot quicker that women, sorry I guess that is the way we are made. I have a diet from my doctor (from the 1980's) and the diet limits your intake to 1000 calories per day. All carbs are off limits, some protein, lots of fruits and veggies. I lost 80 pounds using this diet twice, but it is really hard to continue eating this way and I gained it all back plus some. Both times. But using CC I am losing weight slowly, and I think it will stay off this way. I am watching what I eat and limiting myself to 2050 calories per day, but if I treat myself to Big Mac at lunch, then I have very little calories left for supper. So far I have lost 12 pounds (since May 09) and my realistic goal is to lose a total of 50 pounds. People like Rush inspire me to keep at it. Also the emails I receive from CC remind me everyday to keep watching what I eat. Today my foods rated A- for breakfast and lunch, and CC is a great way to keep track of it!

The Rush Diet - click to read the article online

Rush Limbaugh told American Superstar Magazine that he’s using a diet plan from Florida-based Quick Weight Loss Centers, and he said he is eating about 1500 calories a day of real food with a couple of supplements they provide. The 80 pound loss occurred between March 9th and July 31st, but I can’t seem to make the math work no matter how hard I try.

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