Saturday, April 25, 2009

Expelled: the DVD/movie trailer

When we went to the ACSI convention in February, I noticed that several of the display booths, such as the Institute for Creation Research, were selling the DVD of this movie (actually a documentary) by Ben Stein - "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed." I finally rented the movie and watched it this weekend. What an excellent documentary explaining the issues in the science community and universities today of Darwinism vs. Intelligent Design. It appears from the many interviews of scientist presented, that if you do not believe in the origin of the species as taught by Darwin, then you are an idiot. Many scientists and professors have lost their jobs by teaching intelligent design, or in some cases just mentioning ID as an option. I also enjoyed the footage from the past and learned some things about Hitler and the Nazis that I did not know. Near the end, Stein uses footage of President Reagan in Berlin when he made the famous speech asking that they "tear down the wall" between East and West Berlin. Funny how things that happened in the past fade from our memories so quickly. The seven minute trailer for the movie is below and I recommend you watch this and the DVD when you get a chance. There are also clips of the famous Edwin R. Murrow, television news journalist from the 1950's. Note that he is shown smoking a cigarette in the clip, and that is one of the reasons the DVD is rated PG instead of G ("for brief smoking'.) Personally, I do not believe in using the term "ID" but I believe in the Creator (God) and creationism as the Bible teaches in Genesis. God created the world and all that is in it, including man, in six days and rested on the seventh day. I think it is a waste of time to try to disguise the Creator as an "Intelligent Designer." The Darwinistic science community regards ID as a disguise for religion anyway. By the way, did you know the state of Tennessee won the Scopes trial? The media always presents the story in such a way that it would appear that the theory of evolution won and creationism lost.

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