Tuesday, September 25, 2018

President Kennedy and the space race

A new movie is coming out in October about Neil Armstrong, the first man to step foot on the moon.  I was thinking about the movie leaving out the planting of the American flag and wondered how this democrat, the late President John F Kennedy would feel about this omission....

His goal was a big dream... and we were in a race with the Soviet Union to put the first man on the moon.
I still remember staying up until 2 AM that morning to watch the first man step foot on the moon, Neil Armstrong -  the rest of the family went to bed at their normal time. My dad always believed this took place in a desert somewhere!  I still remember watching Armstrong, as he stepped on the moon, saying "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" and I remember watching as he planted the flag of the USA on the moon!  It would have been amazing to watch this regardless of what country planted their flag, but the United States was the first.  I just believe that to be an important event in our history. I believe  President Kennedy would have something to say about the new movie if he were alive today.  (He would have been 101 this year!)

In his memory, you can read more about this speech and goal that WAS met by America at todayinsci.com 

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