Saturday, July 24, 2010

for a rainy day

My employer recently made me aware of this link - we are a major paper distributor and a lot of our paper comes from Wisconsin. So if you are having a rainy day or the weather too hot like here in HOTLANTA to go outside, check out the link below and "learn" something while having fun!

Did you know that Wisconsin is the #1 papermaking state in the U.S.? This is just one fascinating fact about this important industry
. Click to view this link to Paper in Wisconsin Fun Facts


  1. We should really take you up to the Fox Cities and Green Bay sometime so you can see all the paper mills and stuff... it is amazing. And it is only about 1.5 hours from us (if even that).

  2. Yes, I would love to go there. One of my suppliers ships from Ripon WI. But the funny thing is that this mill is a "converter"- producing copy paper, etc. from rolls of paper and some of their paper comes from Glatfeltner Mills located in Spring Grove PA.
