Monday, July 31, 2006

"in God is our trust"

Our national anthem indicates that the idea of a special relationship between the Deity and the Republic preceded today's "Religious Right" by nearly 200 years. The Star Spangled Banner includes Francis Scott Key's incontrovertibly religious sentiments in its final verse:

Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heaven-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
and this be our motto: 'In God is our trust.'

Michael Medved wrote this article on our faith and how it shows through our patriotic songs. You can read it online at - titled Faith and nationalism: Indivisible in America

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

things that make you go hmmm

While we scratch our heads and contemplate "what can we really do about the price of gas?", there are some things in the news that just make you go "hmmm" !!

Cuba is now drilling for oil about 60 miles off the coast of Florida and there is nothing we can do about it. They are using companies from other countries to do the drilling and they are in the process of buying drilling equipment from China.

I mentioned the processing of oil from the oil sands in Canada in a previous blog post - Now I read that South Korea has purchased one of the oil sand “mines” in Alberta, Canada, to drill and process the oil for their use.

More things that make you go "hmmm" at this link

Monday, July 24, 2006

God is now rated PG

This is no joke - sadly it is true. The makers of this soon-to-be released movie Facing the Giants found out that too much religion and too much talk of Godliness now requires a PG ratings from the MPAA board. In other words, the worldly Motion Pictures Association of America would not want any parent of small children to be offended by the truly sincere expression of religious faith. Cool Cat Teacher.blogspot has some personal insight into the makers of the film and the Christian school where it all takes place.

The author/directors/star, brothers Alex and Stephen Kendrick, expected a PG rating because of the football scenes and a frank discussion of teen pregnancy, but instead, it was handed down for religious content. This made the news, but they haven't fought the rating, although many outspoken people have.

Title: Facing The Giants (2006)
Rating: PG
Rating Reason: Rated PG for some thematic elements.
Distributor: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment

Sunday, July 23, 2006

cool beans and other stuff

Our local newspaper editorial pointed out something that has NOT been in the news lately. President Bush’s poll numbers, as you will recall, were in the news because his approval ratings had dipped to the low 30’s , etc. The Rasmussen poll was just released this week showing Bush’s approval ratings are back up to 45%. Have you read or heard this in the news? As the old saying goes, “You can’t keep a good man down!” has a link to Retro Sesame Street Videos, where you can watch Ernie sing his “Rubber Ducky” song, or the muppets singing “Mahna Mahna” and many more which will bring a smile to your face!

The Hollywood studios and the Directors Guild Assoc have won a summary judgment against Clean Flicks, and other similar companies. This judgment was announced on July 6 and is currently shut down and out of business, pending the appeal of this lawsuit. Basically, Clean Flicks is one of a few companies that would edit a DVD for you, if you had purchased the original DVD. The viewpoint of Clean Flicks is that a DVD, like a music CD, is yours once you have purchased it and it can be erased, edited, or copied for your own personal use. Hollywood claims that this is a copyright infringement and basically you (or in this case is breaking the law. I have to agree with Clean Flicks and if I want to erase the entire DVD once I buy it, it should be my right.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

family photo gallery

More favorite photos from the summer - Natalie gets some special attention from "my three sons". I have finally added a link to all our vacation photos on the kodak gallery to my blogsite.

Natalie with daddy

Natalie with Uncle Josh

Natalie with Uncle Brandon

Thursday, July 20, 2006

dog days of summer

Once again, we are in the midst of the "dog days of summer". It seems the heat is on across the nation and in some parts of the mid-section the temps are over 100 degrees. Fortunately for us in Jax, we usually have a cooler sea breeze in the afternoon and tonight was no exception. It is about that time of the year when the nightly temps stay above 80 degrees, keeping it muggy and miserable. I often wonder how people used to live in Florida without air conditioning!

More weather at this link to Accuweather

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

quiz for brilliant people

(This one is making the rounds at work)

Passing this quiz requires only 4 correct answers....a measly 40%.

1) How long did the Hundred Years War last?
2) Which country makes Panama hats?
3) From which animal do we get catgut?
4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution?
5) What is a camel's hair brush made of?
6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific is named after what animal?
7) What was King George VI's first name?
8) What color is a purple finch?
9) Where are Chinese gooseberries from?
10) What is the color of the black box in a commercial airplane?

All done? Check your answers below! Scroll Down


1) 116 years
2) Ecuador
3) Sheep and Horses
4) November
5) Squirrel fur
6) Dogs
7) Albert
8) Crimson
9) New Zealand
10) Orange, of course.

What do you mean you Failed ??????

I failed it too!

Pass this on to all of your "brilliant" friends

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

pet peeves

This should be a required telephone answering message --

" Press 1 for English; Press 2 to disconnect until you have learned to speak English."

Monday, July 17, 2006

web watch

Today is a rest day on the Tour de France, but by the end of this week they will be riding into Paris. You can keep up with the Tour de France highlights at

I have recently updated my favorite links with three Duke web sites. Now here is another site to check out at

Have you written any good books lately? You can now publish your own books at

Check out the latest video of the Blue Devils (Drum and Bugle Corp) as they traveled by train to Chicago on the California Zephyr at

Saturday, July 15, 2006

what the world needs is Jesus

After viewing this editorial cartoon by Gary Varvel, this song came to mind...

What the World Needs Is Jesus

What the world needs is Jesus,
Just one glimpse of Him;
What the world needs is Jesus,
Just one glimpse of Him.
He will bring joy and gladness,
Take away sin and sadness;
What the world needs is Jesus,
Just one glimpse of Him.

What the world needs is Jesus,
He alone can save;
What the world needs is Jesus,
All His love He gave.
There is no other Savior,
He can change men's behavior;
What the world needs is Jesus,
He alone can save.
- by Benjamin A. Baur, 1897-1972

Thursday, July 13, 2006


This photo of a rainbow with lightning was supposedly taken during a storm in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Assuming this is a real photo, it is truly incredible! Read more at this link at

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

more family news

Congrats! to my sister Loretta who is now a grandma! Her son, Kenny and wife Casey had a bouncing baby boy on July 5th at 7:30 pm. Caden William (sorry, no picture yet) weighed in at 7lbs 12 ounces and was 20 1/2" long.

Cindy's mom is happy to report she was able to get the huge oak tree next to the house cut down last week. It had lots of dead tree limbs and was too close to the house for comfort.

Prayer requests: Mom as she continues to recover from a stroke; Jo Ann as she is recovering from thryoid surgery, and pray she will get her voice back to normal; Debbie and April Logan as they minister in the Dominican Republic this week; Josh and Janelle as they spend this week at the Wilds Christian Camp with their church's teens.

I am coming up on my one year anniversary for As of July 22, it will have been one year since I joined the blog-o-sphere! So in celebration, I have decided to publish my blog to the web. If you try a Google Blog Search for franklybaggs you should be able to find links to my blog, for what that is worth! Speaking of blogging, there is a post on sharper iron about this year's FBFI resolution concerning the internet and blogs.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

must be global warming!

We are having beautiful weather here in Jax. It's not very often that we have temps in the mid to upper 80's in July! If this is the effects of global warming, tell Al Gore he can quit complaining.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Influences That Discourage Drinking Alcohol

Someone asked me a few weeks ago to explain why I had never been tempted to drink alcoholic beverages. That led me to think and write about the influences in a life that can encourage or discourage drinking alcohol.

Influences That Discourage Drinking Alcohol
Parents, Media, Peer Pressure, and the Bible

As a child, I was warned by my parents that I should not drink alcoholic beverages. So from my childhood drinking alcohol was never much an issue in my home. Today many things can influence a person to drink alcohol, and the same influences were around in the early 1960’s. I can remember watching the old black and white tube as a child, way back before color television existed, and whenever a commercial came on for alcohol or cigarettes, my father would get up and turn the TV off or change the channel. He did not want his children influenced by the media to think that beer was a good thing. Parents can create a habit when handling a problem, whether the problem is eating, drinking, anger, etc. Children are taught by the example of the parent. Problems must be handled in a Godly way. This did not really sink home to me until I had my own kids. Our tradition was to sit down as a family for dinner at the table. Then my wife would ask each of us, “What do you want to drink tonight?” One night when our oldest son Joshua was about three years of age, he spouted out, “I want beer!” Well, you can imagine my first reaction was shock since we do not drink beer, and then laughter (of course, the worst thing to do would have been to laugh, so I did not do that!) Being the quick thinker that I am :), I immediately asked him, “So why do you want to drink beer?” I am thinking in my mind, “Our son has never been around anyone who drinks, so where on earth did this come from?” Joshua’s answer was an honest one - just as if we had asked him what kind of chewing gum he would like – “because cowboys drink beer!” Wow! It dawned on me that the only cowboys Joshua had seen would have been on a beer commercial on the television or in a TV western, as all the cowboys seem to go to the saloon. The television had influenced my toddler so much that he thought beer was just like Pepsi. My response was “Josh, bad cowboys drink beer, and good cowboys drink milk. Now, what do you want to drink?” And this time, Josh said he wanted to drink milk (whew!) The media has a great influence on our kids at a young, tender age and we must be careful what we allow them to see and hear – on TV, on the radio, in magazines, even on billboards. As the kids grow older, we cannot prevent media’s influences on our children; but while they are young, from one to about five years of age, we can choose what influences their young minds. After this age, teachers and schoolmates will also influence them. As they enter school age, the dangers of drinking alcohol can be understood. We had our children in a Christian school which also taught about the dangers of alcohol. It is important for parents to set the foundation of character early, so the children will be able to handle the influences of others.

Proverbs 22:6 tells us to “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Another influence on children is the examples of those around them, and we call that peer pressure. While growing up, I was never around people or friends who drank. My parents somehow were able to shelter me from that. As I grew older and became a teenager, I would see people drinking. I do remember smelling alcohol on someone’s breath at the fair, and the smell was so bad that I could not imagine that it would taste good. My close friends did not drink, so I did not have the peer pressure to drink. Peer pressure is the biggest influence causing teens and college students to drink for the first time. Teens must choose their friends wisely, and parents can help in this area by being aware of and getting to know their teen’s friends. Our house was always the place to be when our sons were growing up. We had many sleepovers with five – ten guys in our house. But when I think about it now, it was rare for our sons to go to their friend’s homes to spend the night.

I remember discussing beer with my parents many times. My dad was in the Navy from 1944-1946 and he was the only one on his ship that did not drink. He had accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior as a teen, and because of his commitment to Christ, he decided he would not drink.

First Corinthians 6:19-20 teaches us as Christians: “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.”

I also remember as a teen telling my dad that I would never drink, and he cautioned me to be careful in boasting about what I would never do. As the saying goes, “but for the grace of God, there go I.” That conversation has always stuck with me, and I understand now that we must always be careful of bragging about ourselves. We need to be depending on God to help us through any situation in life. Because I made the choice not to take that first drink, this has prevented me from ever becoming addicted to alcohol.

Proverbs 20:1 says “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.”

Proverbs 23:31 also says “Do not look on the wine when it is red, When it sparkles in the cup, When it swirls around smoothly”

There are other things that I am tempted to do that would be just as wrong as becoming an alcoholic. For example, the Bible also teaches that gluttony is a sin, and I could easily become a glutton if not careful. Even though I am not tempted by alcohol, I could eat ten meals a day, and I would be completely happy.

Proverbs 23:2 says of gluttony: “And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite.”

Sunday, July 09, 2006

more family recipes

Here are a couple of favorite recipes we enjoy at our house. First, if you are not crazy about "fishy" taste of fish, you might try this recipe. The mango salsa adds a nice touch to this seafood dish.

Mango Orange Mahi-Mahi
from the George Foreman Grilling Machine Cookbook

3 c. mangos, chopped
2 green onions, finely chopped
1 T. fresh parsley, finely minced ( I use dried)
3 T. orange juice
4 6-7 oz. mahi-mahi fillets
nonfat cooking spray

In a medium bowl, combine the mangos, onions, parsley and orange juice. Refrigerate. Lightly coat the grill with cooking spray and preheat for 5 minutes. Grill the mahi-mahi for 3-5 minutes, or until fish flakes easily. Divide the mango salsa into 4 equal portions and serve on top of the fish. Serves 4. ( I just put the salsa in a bowl and let people help themselves. Also, if you don’t use the Foreman grill, you will have to turn the fish over and grill the other side for 3-5 minutes.)

Another favorite is this veggie dip from Aunt Robbie's kitchen. We cannot find the herbal Accent anymore so we just use the regular Accent.
Dill Vegetable Dip
from Aunt Robbie Blackstock

1 c. sour cream
1 c. mayonnaise
1 ½ T. minced onion
1 ½ T. parsley
¾ tsp. Herbal Accent (or plain Accent if no herbal)
½ tsp. salt
3 shakes Tabasco sauce
1 ½ tsp. dill weed
¾ tsp. Worcestershire sauce

Mix together in a bowl and refrigerate. Tastes better the next day. Serve with carrots, celery, broccoli, grape tomatoes, cauliflower, cucumbers, squash, bell peppers, green onions, etc.

Friday, July 07, 2006

on the world wide web

The League of Grateful Sons (DVD)

The goal of The League of Grateful Sons is to honor the sacrifice for freedom made by these men, and all who fought during the Second World War, and to pass on their legacy to the next generation. May this story inspire you and your family to keep their memory alive and to preserve the heritage of your own fathers for generations to come.

Medals for Glory 2006

Through soccer matches and social events with national teams, youth soccer clinics, visitation, street witnessing, and many other gospel activities they will passionately witness the gospel and seek to lead souls to Jesus Christ. They have been preparing for months, and the time is now.

The most complete source of video from the countdown, launch and mission of space shuttle Discovery is available here!

Jack's blog

One of my favorite conservative southern republicans in the U.S. Congress, Representative Jack Kingston from Georgia has his own blog.


Another website devoted to Duke basketball, current and former players, with links to the latest news articles - ain't it great!

Fifa World Cup 2006

This is a neat site to keep track of the world cup, with photos and stats. The final game is Sunday between France and Italy.

Tour De France is the official website for the USA team as the Tour began last weekend.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

photo gallery from the 4th of July

Hope you had a safe and enjoyable 4th of July holiday!

We had perfect weather and enjoyed a picnic in the backyard with friends in the afternoon, and then watched the fireworks downtown at 9 pm.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Celebrate America!

Read the full page ad that was in the USA Today on Monday at this link to .

Read the Declaration of Independence

View patriotic visuals and listen to music on this site at or check out the links to everything you wanted to know about The Star-Spangled Banner

Enjoy your freedom and celebrate America today!

Monday, July 03, 2006

family news for July

Birthdays this month . . .

Stephen Franklin was born on July 9th, 1979;
Jo Ann Baggett was born on July 17th, 1951;
Noah Ryan Zachery McDonald (Brandy's youngest) turns one year old on July 27th;
David Baggett was born on July 28th, 1946

Other Special Dates . . .

Celebrate "Independence Day" on July 4th

Wedding anniversary of Stephen and Leah who were married on July 12, 2003

Other family news . . .

My nephew Kenny and Casey are expecting a baby boy - the due date is this Friday, July 7th

Keep praying for Aunt JoAnn as she recovers from thyroid surgery. Her voice is slowly returning to normal.

Keep praying for my mom, Martha, as she recovers from a mild stroke. She is walking without a cane now but is still weak on her left side. She was able to play the piano for both services at church Sunday.

My sister Deb and her daughter, April, will be traveling July 10th to the Dominican Republic to work with missionaries Doug and Paula Hodges for a week.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

sacred sandwich gallery

A little humor for all of you in Wisconsin who like to eat at Chipotle, I thought of you when I found this site. Someone has taken old photos and posted them with funny stories and called it the Sacred Sandwich Gallery.

To view them all (with titles),
just go to the Gallery of Dubious Photojournalism.
Some of these are really funny and sorry, but some are really bad in a corny sort of way. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

new music releases

Here are a few recent Christian music releases (you can listen to a 90 second clip at with the links below.)

This recording consists of: a string quartet: Rachelle Emory (Violin), Prian Pinner, Philip Emory (Violin 2, Viola) , and Heather Wall; Rex Thomas (Guitar); and Christiane Emory (Piano)
In the Light of His Grace is the second CD by the Emory family and friends.

The newest release for choir from the Hamiltons, Sing a New Song

Also there is a SATB book available from Majesty Music.

Shelly incorporates a variety of styles and techniques in these eighteen arrangements, several of which are dedicated to the memory of special friends who have died and gone on to heaven. How Can I Fear is also available in a piano book of arrangements.

The Trutza Trio -- A Romanian family from Chicago -- started playing together as a mandolin trio in 1999. The members of this trio are: Marcel, the Guitar player, and his two talented daughters, Ruth and Eunice. who both have been playing the mandolin for more than ten years.
I Feel Like Traveling On is listed as appalachian style music.